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Gough, John B.

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John Bartholomew Gough (1817-1886) was a Temperance Lecturer. Born in England, he came to America in 1829 where he first worked as a bookbinder. After his conversion to temperance he began to give lectures on the subject, and became a full-time speaker in 1843. His fame was helped by the autobiography he publised in 1846, and his subsequent travels to the United Kingdom, as well as the United States.

He married Mary B. Cheney in 1838 in Newbury, MA.  She died along with their 9 day old daughter (Mary-Ann) in 1842 in Worcester, MA.
He married Mary E. Whitcomb of Bolyston in 1843 in Worcester.  According to the Worcester Marriage Records his profession was "Great Temperance Lecturer" and they were married by the Pastor of the Univ. Society. She died in 1891 in Boylston. He died in 1886 in Philadelphia, leaving no children.

–Stephanie Buck

The Dictionary of National Biography
Vols. 1-20 & 22 (21 is missing)
p. 278
Cape Ann Museum Library & Archive
Citation: "People." Fitz Henry Lane Online. Cape Ann Museum.§ion=Gough%2C+John+B. (accessed January 20, 2025).
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