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Adams, Samuel, Jr.

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Samuel Adams, Jr. was a friend of Joseph L. Stevens, Jr. from Castine. He joined Stevens, Lane and Witherle on their excursions in the Penobscot Bay area in 1850 and 1852. (1)

Samuel Adams (1828-1861) married Mary Brewer Martin, daughter of Silas Martin and Margaret Crawford of Castine and Wilmington, North Carolina. He was the son of Deacon Samuel Adams, born in 1790, and Lucy Sewall Moulton. Deacon Adams was a merchant and shipbuilder, and in 1850 he was one of the wealthiest men in the community. Deacon Adams and his extended family were invested in the cod fisheries and the cotton trade with New Orleans, and financed the building of some of Castine's greatest ships. Samuel Adams's sister, Sarah F. Adams, was married to William H. Witherle.

-Mark Honey


(1) Frederic Alan Sharf"Fitz Hugh Lane: Visits to the Maine Coast, 1848–55." Essex Institute Historical Collections 98 (April 1962), 117.


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William Witherle Diary August 16–21, 1852
William Witherle
Personal diary
Wilson Museum, Castine, Maine (A00060-1a-1h)

Description of an excursion taken by Joseph Stevens, Jr., Lane, Witherle, Samuel Adams, Jr., and George Tilden around the islands of Maine near Mt. Desert. The group hired the Sloop "Superior" which was owned by Pilot Getchell. In his diary, Witherle mentions multiple times that "Lane took a sketch" especially when the water was calm. Lane often stayed on board the boat, while the others went ashore.


Excerpts of the diary include:

August 16: "Lane has a knack for frying fish."

August 17: "leaving Lane to take a sketch, we took a climb."

August 19: "went to ascend one of the highest mountains. 3/4 the way up we had to wait – once in a while for Lane who with his crutches could not keep up with us – but got along faster than we thought possible . . .Lane got up about an hour after the rest of us."

The entire text is transcribed in an account published by the Wilson Museum.

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Citation: "People." Fitz Henry Lane Online. Cape Ann Museum.§ion=Adams%2C+Samuel%2C+Jr.&ref=catalog:178 (accessed February 13, 2025).
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