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Historical Materials: 19th-Century Exhibitions

Historical Materials  »  19th-Century Exhibitions  »  Boston – Boston Mechanics' Association

Boston – Boston Mechanics' Association

F. H. Lane exhibited his work, "Four Marine Paintings" (no. 473) at the Boston Mechanics' Association on September 20, 1841.

F. H. Lane exhibited his work, "One Marine View" (no. 102) at the Boston Mechanics' Association on September 16, 1844

F. H. Lane exhibited "One Marine Painting" (no. 1109) and one frame of print at the Boston Mechanics' Association during September, 1847.

1841 Boston Mechanics' Association catalog entry
Sept. 20, 1841

"This artist has a very pleasing idea of sea sketching. His drawing and perspective are generally very good, and the grouping of vessels, excellent. If, in regard to coloring, he will follow nature a little closer, to do which he is evidently able, his productions cannot fail to take a high rank in the scale of merit."

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1844 Boston Daily Evening Transcript 10.14.1844
"List of Premiums Awarded by the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association"
p. 4 col. 1

"Silver Medals Have Been Awarded To . . . F.H. Lane, Boston, Marine View."

1844 Boston Mechanics' Association catalog entry
Sept. 16, 1844

"The character of the water well expressed, the vessels well drawn and placed, and the sky good. No. 1 of its class."

Also filed under: Publications »

1847 Boston Mechanics' Association catalog entry
Sept. 1847, p.29 about Marine painting and print

"The painting is very well drawn, but wanting in coloring and aerial perspective."

Citation: "19th-Century Exhibitions." Fitz Henry Lane Online. Cape Ann Museum.§ion=Boston+%E2%80%93+Boston+Mechanics%27+Association (accessed October 27, 2024).
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