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1841 Boston Mechanics' Association catalog entry
Sept. 20, 1841

"This artist has a very pleasing idea of sea sketching. His drawing and perspective are generally very good, and the grouping of vessels, excellent. If, in regard to coloring, he will follow nature a little closer, to do which he is evidently able, his productions cannot fail to take a high rank in the scale of merit."

1844 Boston Almanac listing F. H. Lane as Marine Painter
S.N. Dickinson, printer
The Boston Almanac for the Year 1844. By S.N. Dickinson. Boston: Published by Thomas Groom & Co., Stationers' Hall, 82 State Street.
Cape Ann Museum Library & Archive

F.H. Lane is listed under Marine Painters at 28 Joy's building

1844 Boston Mechanics' Association catalog entry
Sept. 16, 1844

"The character of the water well expressed, the vessels well drawn and placed, and the sky good. No. 1 of its class."

1845 Boston Almanac listing F. H. Lane as Marine Painter
The Boston Almanac for the Year 1845. By S.N. Dickinson. Boston: Published by Thomas Groom & Co., Stationers' Hall, 82 State Street.
Cape Ann Museum Library & Archive

F.H. Lane is listed under Marine Painters at 16 Tremont Temple

1847 Boston Almanac listing F. H. Lane as Marine Painter
S.N. Dickinson, printer
The Boston Almanac for the Year 1847. By S.N. Dickinson. Boston: Published by Thomas Groom & Co., Stationers' Hall, 82 State Street.
Cape Ann Museum Library & Archive

F.H. Lane is listed under Marine Painters at 16 Tremont Temple

1856 U.S. Nautical Magazine and Naval Journal v. 4
April 1856
The U.S. Nautical Magazine and Naval Journal, vol. 4, no. 1
pp. 464–65.

Contains brief announcement of the line-up of the August 8, 1856 race depicted by Lane.

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1856 U.S. Nautical Magazine and Naval Journal v. 5
John W. Griffiths, ed.
October 1856–March 1857
The U.S. Nautical Magazine and Naval Journal, vol. 5
pp. 16–18

Article about the New-York Yacht Club regatta held at New Bedford on August 8, 1856, as painted by Lane. Includes lists of participating yachts and times in New Bedford.

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Complete Subscription List and Mailing for "Castine, From Hospital Island," 1855
Handwritten list
Wilson Museum, Castine, Maine (A00787-1a-1d)
Gloucester Town Seal
Addison Center
designed 1872
1873 Gloucester City Directory (1)

"The design is very pretty and appropriate . . .In the centre of the seal is a representation of a fishing schooner anchored on the banks, copied from a picture painted by that talented artist, the late Mr. Fitz H. Lane." (2)


1. Gloucester City Directory. (Gloucester, MA: Sampson, Davenport, & Co., 1873), front page.

2. "The Town Seal": designed by Capt. Addison Center," Cape Ann Weekly Advertiser, February 9, 1872. 

Sixty Years' Memories of Art and Artists
Benjamin Champney
Woburn, MA,

"After a time I left the shoe store, and through the influence of my friend Cooke, was admitted as an apprentice to Moore, successor to Pendleton, in the lithographic business. Here I was speedily worked in as a draughtsman for ordinary commercial work, the fine work, such as designs of figures and heads from life being done by Cooke. F.H. Lane, afterwards well-known as a marine painter, did most of the views, hotels, etc. He was very accurate in his drawing, understood perspective and naval architecture perfectly, as well as the handling of vessels, and was a good, all-round draughtsman." (1)

(1) John WilmerdingFitz Henry Lane (Gloucester, MACape Ann Historical Association2005)Reprint of Fitz Hugh Lane, by John Wilmerding. New York: Praeger, 1971.

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The Maine Register for the Year 1855 (Steamer Schedule)
George Adams, publisher
"The Maine Register for the Year 1855, embracing State and County Officers, and an abstract of the law and resolves; together with a complete business directory of the state, and a variety of useful information."

Steamer schedules for 1855, including the schedule for the steamer, "T. F. Secor" which served Castine, see pp. 234–35.

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Citation: "Historical Materials." Fitz Henry Lane Online. Cape Ann Museum. (accessed October 25, 2024).
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