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Fitz, Capt. Charles

According to the Cape Ann Advertiser, April 18, 1862, Captain Charles Fitz received a "Fancy Sketch" by Lane in April, 1862.

1862 Cape Ann Advertiser 4.18.1862
Procter Brothers
Newspaper clipping
Cape Ann Advertiser
Collection of Fred and Stephanie Buck

"LANE'S PAINTINGS were distributed on Saturday last among the subscribers, as follows: Harbor Scene, – Thaddeus Friend. View of Bear Island, – George Marsh. Good Harbor Beach, – Mrs. J. H. Stacy. Fancy Sketch, – Capt. Charles Fitz. Scene at Town Parish, – J. H. Johnson, Salem. Beach Scene, – Pattillo & Center. View near Done Fudging, – Ripley Ropes, Salem."

Citation: "Historical Materials." Fitz Henry Lane Online. Cape Ann Museum. (accessed July 26, 2024).
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