An online project under the direction of the CAPE ANN MUSEUM
Coffin, William E.
An article in the Gloucester Telegraph, supposedlly dated September 22, 1849 (although this has not been verified), describes a Lane painting of the Western Shore of Gloucester Harbor in great detail. It was painted for Bostonian, William E. Coffin, and featured a "solitary pine, so many years a familiar object and landmark to the fisherman."
"Mr. Lane has just completed a third picture of the Western Shore of Gloucester Harbor, including the distance from 'Norman's Woe Rock' to 'Half Moon Beach.' It was painted for Mr. William E. Coffin of Boston, and will be on exhibition at the artist's rooms for only a few days; we advise all our readers who admire works of art, and would see one of the best pictures Mr. Lane has ever executed..."
"...solitary pine, so many years a familiar object and landmark to the fisherman."
Harris Broadside Collection
Link to broadside in Brown online collection.
Also filed under: "Boston" (Packet Ship) » // Mackay, Capt. Harvey Coffin and Mrs. Sarah Somes »