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Fitz Henry Lane
An online project under the direction of the CAPE ANN MUSEUM
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Historical Materials: People
Historical Materials
Fremont, John C., Maj. Gen. and Mrs.
search historical materials:
Adams, Samuel, Jr.
Armsby, Dr. James H.
Babson, Amanda Stanwood
Babson, Annette
Babson, Edward
Babson, Emmeline (Emma) Rogers (Mrs. William Friend)
Babson, John J.
Babson, Maria
Babson, Nathaniel
Balch, William Y.
Blanchard, George S.
Bowles, Ada[line] Chartine (Burpee)
Boyd, David. I.
Bradford, L. H.
Bradford, William
Bradish, P. P.
Brooks, Noah
Burnett, J.
Burnham: Parker (Jr.), Joseph & Elias
Center, Addison
Center, Henry
Champney, Benjamin
Clark, Charles Peter
Cleland, Captain Richard
Coffin, William E.
Collamore, Ebenezer
Collins, William
Cores [Cowes?] Mrs.
Corning, E.
Cushman, Charlotte
Dale, Capt. and Mrs. Frank
Dale, Eben B.
Davidson, Dr. Herman Elvas
Davidson, Mrs. Herman Elvas
Davis, Harriet Phena (Mason) (Mrs. William F.)
Dumaresq, Philip
Edwards, Alfred
Emery, James
Falkland, F.
Fears, Robert
Fessenden, C. B.
Fitz, Capt. Charles
Forbes, John Murray
Forbes, Robert Bennet
Foster, Florence
Fremont, Major General and Mrs. John C.
Friend, Joseph Sayward
Friend, Thaddeus
Galacar, Elizabeth
Gough, John B.
Haskell, Leonidas
Haughton, James
Herring, Thomas J.
Hill, William W.
Hitchings, H.
Hooper, Joseph S.
Hough, Benjamin Kent
Hovey, Charles
Howard, Capt. W. A.
Jacobus, Nicholas
Jacquith, Aaron
Johnson, J. H.
Johnson, Joseph
Kearny, Major Philip
Knight, Elias Davis
Lancaster, T. Sewall
Lang, J.H.B.
Low, Capt. Frederick Gilman
Low, Capt., and Mrs. Gorham Parsons
Low, Colonel David
Lucas, Mr.
Mackay, Capt. Harvey Coffin and Mrs. Sarah Somes
Mansfield, James
Marsh, George
Mason, John
Mason, Sidney
Mayo, Reverend Amory Dwight
Mellen, Mary Blood
Miller, William Hoffman
Morse, Nathan P.
Mountford, William
Newton, I.
Noyes, Samuel
Page, Eben
Parsons, William 2nd
Patillo, Alex
Peters, Edw. D.
Piper, John J.
Pool, Solomon
Presson, Alfred
Procter, Elizabeth C.
Quincy, Mrs. Josiah, Jr.
Richardson, Joseph
Rogers, Allen
Rogers, George H.
Rogers, Mrs. S. G.
Rogers, Rev. Richard P.
Ropes, C. A.
Ropes, Ripley
Sanford, Horatio G.
Sawyer, Samuel
Scott, John W. A.
Senter, William
Silsbee, Nathaniel, Jr.
Smith, A. B.
Smith, Benjamin H.
Somes, Capt. John
Stacy, Eben Hough
Stacy, Mr. and Mrs. John Hancock
Stanley, Mrs. John
Stevens, Caroline Foster
Stevens, Helen (Helen Stevens Babson)
Stevens, Joseph, Jr.
Stevens, Joseph, Sr. and Dorothy Little
Stott, Mrs. Alex
Tilden, George
Tilden, Rev. William Phillips
Trask, John
Tuckerman, Stephen Salisbury
Upton, G. B.
Wales, G. W.
Webber, John Somes
Wheeler, W. H.
Whidden, John H.
White, G. G.
Wigglesworth, Thomas, Jr.
Wilbur, Horace B.
Winchester, William D.
Winter, Fitz Henry
Winter, Ignatius
Witherle, William Howe
Woodbury, Capt. Obadiah