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Bouvé, E. W., Lith. – Boston

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E. W. Bouvé (1817–97) was a Boston-born lithographer and engraver active from 1839 until his death. He opened his first shop at 1 Graphic Court, Boston (misspelled "Gaphic" on at least one print) and then moved on to a partnership with William Sharp at 221 Washington Street. After his short stint with Sharp, he remained in the Washington Street building until 1848 as a solo artist. He served a short term on the City of Roxbury Common Council from 1849-51 before establishing a card engraving business and continued in that profession until his death. Bouvé is known to have produced sheet music covers, book illustrations, portraits, buildings, town views, certificates, charts, and plans.

This information has been summarized from Boston Lithography 1825–1880 by Sally Pierce and Catharina Slautterback.

Related tables: Bouvé & Sharp, Lith. – Boston »  //  Sharp & Michelin, Printers – Boston »

Citation: "Historical Materials." Fitz Henry Lane Online. Cape Ann Museum.§ion=Bouv%C3%A9%2C+E.+W.%2C+Lith.+%E2%80%93+Boston (accessed October 27, 2024).
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