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Sharp & Michelin, Printers – Boston

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Sharp & Michelin was the lithography firm of William Sharp (1803–75) and Francis Michelin at 17 Tremont Row, Boston. Both Michelin and Sharp had worked at the London-based lithography firm of Charles Hullmandel before emigrating to America around 1839. Sharp & Michelin was founded the following year, but was shortlived, lasting from 1840–41. The work produced by Sharp & Michelin is regarded as interesting and highly accomplished, a result of William Sharp's determination to establish himself in Boston.

This information has been summarized from Boston Lithography 1825–1880 by Sally Pierce and Catharina Slautterback. 

Related tables: Bouvé, E. W., Lith. – Boston »  //  Reed, Geo. P., Pub. – Boston »  //  Sharp's, J. C., Lith. – Boston »

The Ariel Waltz
B. Champney, del.
Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music, Sheridan Libraries, Johns Hopkins University
Citation: "Historical Materials." Fitz Henry Lane Online. Cape Ann Museum. (accessed December 3, 2024).
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