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Historical Materials » Boston Locales, Businesses, & Buildings » State House
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State House
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The "new" State House is located across from the Boston Common on the top of Beacon Hill, and serves as the Massachusetts state capital. The land was once owned by Massachusetts's first elected governor, John Hancock. Charles Bullfinch was the architect of the building, which was completed in 1798.
The dome was originally roofed with wood shingles, which leaked. In 1802 it was covered with copper by Paul Revere's Revere Copper Company. The dome was first painted gray and then light yellow before being gilded with gold leaf in 1874.
"Salmon pinxt" at lower left; "Pendleton, Boston" at lower right
Also filed under: Pendleton's, Lith. – Boston » // Salmon, Robert »
Published by N. Currier, New York
Library of Congress Catalog Number 2002698122
Also filed under: Currier (& Ives) – New York »