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Pole's Hill

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This high rocky ledge rises between Mill River and the Annisquam River, between Ferry and Wheeler Streets. The origin of its name is a source of speculation: it might refer to some Powell or Poulle owner in the seventeenth century, and for decades it had a signal pole and then a flag pole erected at its peak. Since the late 1990s, it has been public open space, with access by Sunset Hill Road (off Ferry Street) which becomes a dirt path. One can explore and climb to many high spots on this large hill that overlooks Riverdale, the Annisquam River and its marshes and islands, and obtain lovely views of West Gloucester, the Dogtown woods to the east, and the city buildings to the south.

– Sarah Dunlap (June, 2015)

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Citation: "Historical Materials." Fitz Henry Lane Online. Cape Ann Museum.§ion=Pole%27s+Hill (accessed October 25, 2024).
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