Fitz Henry Lane
An online project under the direction of the CAPE ANN MUSEUM
An online project under the direction of the CAPE ANN MUSEUM
"Hibernia" (Steam Ship)
A painting entitled "Hibernia (Steam Ship)" was exhibited in 1847 at The Albany Gallery of Fine Arts in Albany, New York.
The "Hibernia" was a royal mail ship from Ireland. She arrived in Boston on January 20,1847 with the devastaing news of failure of the second potato crop in Ireland (1845 and 1846)—when she left Boston for Ireland in early February, Bostonians had raised, and sent, $72,000 which had been raised in two weeks.
For further information, see the Forbes House Museum website.
Related tables: "Jamestown" (U.S. Sloop of War) » // Albany, N.Y. – Albany Gallery of Fine Arts »