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Ropes, Ripley

Ripley Ropes was born Eleaser Wheelock Ripley Ropes to Benjamin and Frances Ropes in Salem, Massachusetts on September 30,1820. The family had deep roots in Salem, and at the time of Ripley's birth, five generations of Nathaniel Ropeses had lived at the family house at 318 Essex Street. Ripley Ropes made his life in Brooklyn, New York at 40 Pierrepont Street, where he was a leading Republican figure until his death in 1890. After his funeral at the Church of the Saviour in Brooklyn, his body was taken by train to Salem, where it was buried.

Ropes received "View near Done Fudging" in April 1862. (1) In 1862, he also received three paintings from Lane's studio that were described as being for him: "Gloucester Harbor," "Sunset Scene," and "Mt. Desert."

"Oceanside is the name given to a pleasantly located cottage in the rear of the Hesperus. It stands on the hill overlooking the broad ocean on the one side, the bay in front, and Salem harbor and the Cape Ann shore on the other hand. The cottage was built by Mr. James Perkins, of Peabody, for his own use, but is leased by him for the season, to Mrs. O. Paige, who will open it for summer boarders. Hon. Ripley Ropes, of Brooklyn, N Y., has occupied rooms here for several years." (2)

– Benjamin D. Hill (May, 2012)

(1) Cape Ann Advertiser, April 18, 1862.

(2) Benjamin D. Hill, The North Shore of Massachusetts Bay: An Illustrated Guide and History of Marblehead, Salem, Peabody, Beverly, Manchester-by-the-Sea, Magnolia, and Cape Ann. (Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina: Arcadia Publishing, 2012).
1862 Cape Ann Advertiser 7.4.1862
Procter Brothers
Newspaper clipping
Cape Ann Advertiser
Collection of Fred and Stephanie Buck

"MARINE PAINTING. – F. H. Lane, Esq., has recently finished a beautiful painting, representing a scene in our harbor, which is now on exhibition at Center & Co's. It was painted for Ripley Ropes, of Salem, and is a most spirited and life like production."

1862 Cape Ann Advertiser 4.18.1862
Procter Brothers
Newspaper clipping
Cape Ann Advertiser
Collection of Fred and Stephanie Buck

"LANE'S PAINTINGS were distributed on Saturday last among the subscribers, as follows: Harbor Scene, – Thaddeus Friend. View of Bear Island, – George Marsh. Good Harbor Beach, – Mrs. J. H. Stacy. Fancy Sketch, – Capt. Charles Fitz. Scene at Town Parish, – J. H. Johnson, Salem. Beach Scene, – Pattillo & Center. View near Done Fudging, – Ripley Ropes, Salem."

1862 Cape Ann Advertiser 6.13.1862
Procter Brothers
Newspaper clipping
Cape Ann Advertiser
Collection of Fred and Stephanie Buck

Description of Lane's studio and three paintings for Ripley Ropes: Gloucester Harbor, Sunset scene, and Mt. Desert.

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1881 New York Times 10.18.1881
The New York Times

"The Brooklyn Mayoralty: Mr. Ripley Ropes Nominated at Citizens' Meeting." The Reverend Henry Ward Beecher was among "the more prominent gentlemen" who gathered to endorse the candidacy of Ripley Ropes for Mayor of Brooklyn, New York.

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1890 New York Times 5.22.1890
The New York Times

Column entitled, "The Burial of Ripley Ropes: Brooklyn's Leading Men Attend the Funeral Services."

Citation: "Historical Materials." Fitz Henry Lane Online. Cape Ann Museum. (accessed February 16, 2025).
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