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Historical Materials: New York City Locales, Businesses, & Buildings
Historical Materials » New York City Locales, Businesses, & Buildings » Castle Garden
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Castle Garden
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Castle Garden is a circular sandstone fort on an artificial island in Battery Park, on the south end of Manhattan. It was built in 1811 as a military fort during the tensions leading up to the War of 1812. First called Southwest Battery it was renamed Castle Clinton in 1817. In 1821 the United States Army stopped using the fort and it was leased to New York City as a venue for popular entertainment and opened as Castle Garden in 1824. Eventually it was roofed over and served as a beer garden, theater, and exhibition hall. On August 1, 1855, Castle Clinton became the Emigrant Landing Depot, functioning as an immigrant processing facility until 1890 when it was replaced by Ellis Island.
Oil on canvas
10 1/2 x 16 3/8 in.
Inscribed to Jenny Lind
New-York Historical Society, Purchase, Thomas Jefferson Bryan Fund (1977.76)
Also filed under: New York Harbor »
Hand-colored lithograph
Printed by N. Currier, New York
Library of Congress Catalog Number 90714333
Also filed under: Currier (& Ives) – New York »
Color lithograph
Published by N. Currier, New York
LoC Catalog Number 90715981
Bird's-eye view of New York City with Battery Park in the foreground and Brooklyn Heights in the lower right corner.
Also filed under: New York Harbor »
Hand-colored lithograph
35 x 25 cm. on sheet 48 x 30 cm.
Published by Magnus & Co.
New York Public Library
Covers Manhattan up to 34th Street on the west side and 51st Street on the east side. Includes views of New York City and Harbor, and Trinity Church above the upper neat line. Also includes list of churches, hotels, and places of amusement.
Also filed under: Maps » // New York Harbor »