An online project under the direction of the CAPE ANN MUSEUM
Gloucester Community / Participation / Other projects
Essay to come.
For the Fourth of July "Floral Procession" there was "a laureled car ornamented with boughs and wreathes, containting two paintings appropriately designed by Mr. Lane for the occasion one representing the effects of Intemperance, and the other a sparkling fountain of pure water."
Gloucester Telegraph: Celebration in Gloucester, p. 2, col. 2
American Antiquarian Society
FHL & John J. Piper involved in prep for July 4 celebration. Both to ride in open carriage. FHL made a banner assisted by a "lady ever zealous in good works"
Also filed under: Newspaper / Journal Articles »
Cape Ann Library & Museum
"The Post Office looked very pretty indeed; it was done under the direction of Mr. Lane. The words at the top were made so as to appear transparent, and at the top of all was an eagle, with a wreath of flowers hanging down from its mouth, and encircling the letters. The hall was hung with colors
in festoons..."
Also filed under: Babson, Edward »
Cape Ann Library and Archive
"To F.H. Lane Esq. whose Skill as a artist is so well known and appreciated, the Floral procession was indebted for much of its beauty, especially for the banners and paintings; his whole time for several days having been devoted with his usual liberality to the success of the undertaking."
Also filed under: Biographical information » // Newspaper / Journal Articles »
Cape Ann Library and Archive
"ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. The undersigned managers of the Floral Procession on the Fourth, would render their earnest thanks to the ladies who undertook with so much zeal and erpseverance to prepare the schools for the occasion..." John J. Piper, Fitz H. Lane
Also filed under: Newspaper / Journal Articles »
Gloucester Telegraph, p. 2, col. 1
American Antiquarian Society
"F.H. Lane, Esq., with characteristic generosity has loaned some of his grand paintings to increase the interest of the occasion. A look at the Stiff Breeze in New York Harbor, one of the finest of his fine productions, and enough in itself to secure him enduring fame, is worth many times over the price of the admittance fee. A sailor could scarecely gaze upon the brig going in stays, without every moment expecting to hear the command given to 'let go and haul.'"
Also filed under: New York Harbor » // Newspaper / Journal Articles »
Newsprint, various dates, from bound volume owned by publisher Francis Procter. Collection of Fred and Stephanie Buck.
“A CARD. – The Ladies engaged in the late Fair held for the aid of the Lyceum Library, tender their sincere thanks to all that have aided them in this enterprise. More especially would they express their sense of obligation to the Chelsea Continentals, and the Gloucester Cornet Band, for their pleasing musical entertainment; and to Mr. FITZ LANE for the very generous present of a beautiful production of his pencil [unclear if painting, drawing or print], and for his efficient aid in designing and executing the arrangements for the Fair.
To the members of the Lyceum, and all interested in this Institution, they are happy to announce that their very liberal patronage of the Fair has resulted in the attainment of the object for which it was held, and that they are now able to avail themselves of the generous donation proffered them, on certain conditions, by a friend of the Library. Gloucester, April 29th, 1856.”
Also filed under: Chronology » // Gloucester Lyceum » // Gloucester, Mass. – 1856 Lyceum Fair » // Newspaper / Journal Articles »
Gloucester Telegraph & News
Fitz H. Lane, Addison Center, and John Trask created a tableau for the Library festival.
Also filed under: Center, Addison » // Newspaper / Journal Articles » // Sawyer Free Library » // Trask, John »
From bound volume owned by publisher Francis Procter
Collection of Fred and Stephanie Buck
Description of the Ladies Festival in support of the Lyceum Library (Lane helped with the tableaux).
"LADIES' FESTIVAL. – The Festival under the direction of the ladies interested in the Lyceum Library, which took place on the evenings of the 22d and 23d inst., was a complete success. On both evenings the 'Mammoth Sail Loft' was filled to its utmost capacity, and all present enjoyed themselves in participating and witnessing the various amuseuments. The Tableaux were very fine, the great objection to this part of the entertainment was the difficult of getting a good view, on account of the loft not being of sufficient height for the erection of a stage high enough for all to command a good prospect. As it was the 'tall ones' had a decided advantage, while the 'short ones' were obliged to satisfied with a description by their more fortunate friends..."
Another column from this day (not pictured here) describes Lane's involvement in Tableaux.
Also filed under: Chronology » // Gloucester Lyceum » // Newspaper / Journal Articles »
Cape Ann Advertiser
Mechanic Engine Company.
The Company will carry a beautiful banner, painted and presented to them by
Fitz H. Lane, Esq. The design is very pretty, consisting of two figures, a
soldier and a firemen shaking hands; on the left is a group of tents, and
on the right, a house partially burned. The banner is trimmed with oak
leaves, and bears the following inscriptions: "Organized Jan. 7, 1854.
Underneath. Union is Strength."
Also filed under: Chronology » // Newspaper / Journal Articles »
Gloucester Telegraph
The welcome-home parade for Company G, 8th Regiment. Mechanic Fire Company No. 1. The company carried a new banner presented them by Fitz H. Lane and F.H. Winter. A most appropriate design was painted upon it by the artist giver. Two figures were represented, a soldier and a fireman, with clasped hands: on the left a group of tents and on the right a fire scene. The banner was handsomely trimmed with oak leaves and inscribed as follows: "Organized Jan. 7, 1854"–"Union is Strength."
Also filed under: Newspaper / Journal Articles » // Professional » // Winter, Fitz Henry »
Handwritten ledger
Sawyer Free Library
Also filed under: Babson, Nathaniel » // Chronology » // Diaries / Ledgers / Etc. » // Gloucester Lyceum » // Stacy, Mr. and Mrs. John Hancock » // Stevens, Joseph, Jr. »