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The Graves

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The Graves is a ledge outcrop located between Rockland and Camden. As you approach Camden from the south or east, this jagged spine of rocks sits about a mile southeast of the entrance to Camden. There is a small 26 foot light. The Graves can be passed on either side, and beyond, the mariner approaches Negro or Curtis Island Light.

-Mark Honey


Taft, Hank and Jan, and Rindlaub, Curtis, "A Cruising Guide to the Maine Coast," 3rd Edition, Diamond Pass Publishing Incorporated, Peaks Island, Maine, 1996, pages 204-209.

1862 Gloucester Telegraph 3.8.1862
Gloucester Telegraph

"The Reef of Norman's Woe ... is now commemorated in painting too, one of the finest pictures from Lane's easel. ... The sketch was made at the pretty spot commonly called, we believe, Master Moore's Cove.  Being some little way off the main track to Rafe's Chasm, it is seldom visited, except by the more inquisitive lovers of nature who leave the beaten road to pry out such pleasant places. ... We wish it might find a home buyer, rather than go off to enrich another community." Flowery description follows, then "There is another and larger work in the artist's studio, which, happily, is to be retained. It received much well deserved notice and commendation. The subject is a view southward from the 'Cut,' with the picturesque promontory commonly known as 'Stage Fort,' and historically interesting as the supposed spot of the 'Landing at Cape Ann' in the middle distance, and Eastern Point on the extreme left." More description follows, "Among other attractions of the studio, and particularly worthy of mention, is a cabinet picture with an effect similar to the Norman's Woe. The subject is chosen from the many sketches of the grand scenery of the Maine sea-coast with which the artist's portfolio is rich. It is a view of the Camden mountains sketches from the Graves, a jagged ledge far out in the bay, which is accessible in only the smoothest water."

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Citation: "Maine Locales & Buildings." Fitz Henry Lane Online. Cape Ann Museum. (accessed March 31, 2025).
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